Green Technology at All-Color
We’ve carried the green mission of powder coating further within our company as well. Our whole shop floor was designed with green in mind. Our SuperCube powder booths use 90% of powder material which eliminates waste from going into a landfill. Up to 98% of the powder overspray is collected and reclaimed for future use which creates a more efficient and economical form of coating.
All-Color Powder Coating utilizes energy efficient equipment and environmentally friendly processes in our shop whenever possible. Our plant lighting was retrofitted with the latest fluorescent technology to save electricity. We implemented counter flowing wash water to reduce the amount of water required and treated at the treatment plant. All equipment was built with premium efficiency motors. In 2012, we upgraded one of our cure ovens to remain at the forefront of the powder coating industry’s standards. These new, highly efficient infra-red burners allow us to fully cure the powder coating at a lower temperature resulting in a reduction of our natural gas usage. The design of the burners also does a better job protecting the ceramic block that radiates the infra-red waves which should result in a longer burner life.
We’ve even carried our green mission into the front office where we’ve purchased recycled workstations for our management and office staff. Green is a way of life at All-Color Powder Coating. We care about our environment and will continue to find ways to use earth’s resources wisely.