2023 All-Color Powder Coating 500 Summer Feature at Sugar River Speedway

Start your engines, summer edition!!!
All-Color employees have spoken and go cart racing is now a permanent event! Another group headed to the Sugar River Speedway outside of Broadhead, WI in July this year. The Summer 500 featured two heats and a final feature where employees raced each other on a mile track. Ryan Warp, the reigning champion, took the trophy home for one last night before the new winners were decided.
The top three winners got medals and stood on the podium. The first place winner gets to display the All-Color Racing trophy in their work area for bragging rights until the next feature. The last place finisher also received a trophy to display prominently in their work space.
Congratulations goes out to Trevor Cox (aka, The Gamer) for being the 2023 All-Color Summer 500 Feature first place finisher! He will be proudly displaying the trophy in the Shipping office so if you see it there when delivering or picking up your parts, be sure to congratulate him. Tyler Mortensen came in second and Dan Anderson (aka, Gashole) rounded out the winners circle with third. Sid Perry came in a respectable last place. Great job to everyone that participated. Until next time…..